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Text 42

nedur dundubhayo vyomni
brahmeśādyā vibhūtayaḥ
puṣpaiḥ kirantas taṁ prītāḥ
śaśaṁsur nanṛtuḥ striyaḥ

neduḥ — resounded; dundubhayaḥ — kettledrums; vyomni — in the sky; brahma-īśa-ādyāḥ — Brahmā, Śiva and other demigods; vibhūtayaḥ — His expansions; puṣpaiḥ — flowers; kirantaḥ — scattering down; tam — upon Him; prītāḥ — pleased; śaśaṁsuḥ — they chanted His praises; nanṛtuḥ — danced; striyaḥ — their wives.

Kettledrums resounded in the sky as Brahmā, Śiva and other demigods, the Lord’s expansions, rained down flowers upon Him with pleasure. They chanted His praises, and their wives danced.

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