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Text 11

siñcantāv aśru-dhārābhiḥ
sneha-pāśena cāvṛtau
na kiñcid ūcatū rājan
bāṣpa-kaṇṭhau vimohitau

siñcantau — sprinkling; aśru — of tears; dhārābhiḥ — with showers; sneha — of affection; pāśena — by the rope; ca — and; āvṛtau — enveloped; na — not; kiñcit — anything; ūcatuḥ — they spoke; rājan — O King (Parīkṣit); bāṣpa — (full of) tears; kaṇṭhau — whose throats; vimohitau — overwhelmed.

Pouring out a shower of tears upon the Lord, His parents, who were bound up by the rope of affection, could not speak. They were overwhelmed, O King, and their throats choked up with tears.

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