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Text 48

akrūra āgataḥ kiṁ vā
yaḥ kaṁsasyārtha-sādhakaḥ
yena nīto madhu-purīṁ
kṛṣṇaḥ kamala-locanaḥ

akrūraḥ — Akrūra; āgataḥ — has come; kim vā — perhaps; yaḥ — who; kaṁsasya — of King Kaṁsa; artha — of the purpose; sādhakaḥ — the executor; yena — by whom; nītaḥ — brought; madhu-purīm — to Mathurā City; kṛṣṇaḥ — Kṛṣṇa; kamala — lotuslike; locanaḥ — whose eyes.

“Perhaps Akrūra has returned — he who fulfilled Kaṁsa’s desire by taking lotus-eyed Kṛṣṇa to Mathurā.

The gopīs angrily spoke this statement.

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