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Text 24

dhanur vikṛṣya su-dṛḍhaṁ
jaghne kṛṣṇaṁ tribhiḥ śaraiḥ
āha cātra kṣaṇaṁ tiṣṭha
yadūnāṁ kula-pāṁsana

dhanuḥ — his bow; vikṛṣya — drawing; su — very; dṛḍham — firmly; jaghne — he struck; kṛṣṇam — Lord Kṛṣṇa; tribhiḥ — with three; śaraiḥ — arrows; āha — he said; ca — and; atra — here; kṣaṇam — a moment; tiṣṭha — stand; yadūnām — of the Yadus; kula — of the dynasty; pāṁsana — O corrupter.

Rukmī drew his bow with great strength and struck Lord Kṛṣṇa with three arrows. Then he said, “Stand here for a moment, O defiler of the Yadu dynasty!

Śrīla Śrīdhara Svāmī points out that kula-pāṁsana may be understood as a combination of the words kula-pa, “O master of the Yadu dynasty,” and aṁsana, “O expert killer of enemies.” The ācārya gives the grammatical details that make this interpretation possible.

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