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Text 13

prāyuñjatāsādya śarān asīn gadāḥ
śakty-ṛṣṭi-śūlāny ajite ruṣolbaṇāḥ
tac-chastra-kūṭaṁ bhagavān sva-mārgaṇair
amogha-vīryas tilaśaś cakarta ha

prāyuñjata — they used; āsādya — attacking; śarān — arrows; asīn — swords; gadāḥ — clubs; śakti — spears; ṛṣti — lances; śūlāni — and tridents; ajite — against Lord Kṛṣṇa, the unconquerable; ruṣā — angrily; ulbaṇāḥ — fierce; tat — their; śastra — of weapons; kūṭam — the mountain; bhagavān — the Supreme Lord; sva — with His own; mārgaṇaiḥ — arrows; amogha — never frustrated; vīryaḥ — whose prowess; tilaśaḥ — into particles the size of sesame seeds; cakarta ha — He cut.

These fierce warriors furiously attacked invincible Lord Kṛṣṇa with arrows, swords, clubs, spears, lances and tridents, but the Supreme Lord, with unfailing prowess, cut this mountain of weapons into tiny pieces with His arrows.

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