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Text 21

anāgatam atītaṁ ca
vartamānam atīndriyam
viprakṛṣṭaṁ vyavahitaṁ
samyak paśyanti yoginaḥ

anāgatam — not yet happened; atītam — past; ca — also; vartamānam — present; atīndriyam — beyond the purview of the senses; viprakṛṣṭam — distant; vyavahitam — blocked by obstacles; samyak — perfectly; paśyanti — see; yoginaḥ — mystic yogīs.

Mystic yogīs can perfectly see that which has not yet happened, as well as things in the past or present, beyond the senses, remote or blocked by physical obstacles.

Here King Parīkṣit encourages Śukadeva Gosvāmī to explain why Rukmī gave his daughter to Lord Kṛṣṇa’s son Pradyumna. The King stresses that since great yogīs like Śukadeva Gosvāmī know everything, the sage must also know this and should explain it to the anxious King.

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