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Text 41

deva-dattam imaṁ labdhvā
nṛ-lokam ajitendriyaḥ
yo nādriyeta tvat-pādau
sa śocyo hy ātma-vañcakaḥ

deva — by the Supreme Lord; dattam — given; imam — this; labdhvā — attaining; nṛ — of human beings; lokam — the world; ajita — uncontrolled; indriyaḥ — his senses; yaḥ — who; na ādriyeta — will not honor; tvat — Your; pādau — feet; saḥ — he; śocyaḥ — pitiable; hi — indeed; ātma — of himself; vañcakaḥ — a cheater.

One who has attained this human form of life as a gift from God, yet who fails to control his senses and honor Your feet, is surely to be pitied, for he is only cheating himself.

Lord Śiva here condemns those who refuse to engage in the devotional service of the Supreme Lord.

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