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Text 16

tataḥ pravavṛte yuddhaṁ
śālvānāṁ yadubhiḥ saha
yathāsurāṇāṁ vibudhais
tumulaṁ loma-harṣaṇam

tataḥ — then; pravavṛte — began; yuddham — a battle; śālvānām — of the followers of Śālva; yadubhiḥ saha — with the Yadus; yathā — just like; asurāṇām — of the demons; vibudhaiḥ — with the demigods; tumulam — tumultuous; loma-harṣaṇam — making bodily hair stand on end.

A tumultuous, hair-raising battle then commenced between Śālva’s forces and the Yadus. It equaled the great battles between the demons and demigods.

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