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Text 2

śiśupāla-sakhaḥ śālvo
rukmiṇy-udvāha āgataḥ
yadubhir nirjitaḥ saṅkhye
jarāsandhādayas tathā

śiśupāla-sakhaḥ — a friend of Śiśupāla’s; śālvaḥ — named Śālva; rukmiṇī-udvāhe — to Rukmiṇī’s wedding; āgataḥ — having come; yadubhiḥ — by the Yadus; nirjitaḥ — defeated; saṅkhye — in battle; jarāsandha-ādayaḥ — Jarāsandha and others; tathā — as well.

Śālva was a friend of Śiśupāla’s. When he attended the wedding of Rukmiṇī, the Yadu warriors defeated him in battle, along with Jarāsandha and the other kings.

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