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Text 32

hinvanty anādyātma-viparyaya-graham
labhanta ātmīyam anantam aiśvaraṁ
kuto nu mohaḥ paramasya sad-gateḥ

yat — whose; pāda — of the feet; sevā — by service; ūrjitayā — made strong; ātma-vidyayā — by self-realization; hinvanti — they dispel; anādi — beginningless; ātma — of the self; viparyaya-graham — the misidentification; labhante — they attain; ātmīyam — in a personal relationship with Him; anantam — eternal; aiśvaram — glory; kutaḥ — how; nu — indeed; mohaḥ — bewilderment; paramasya — for the Supreme; sat — of saintly devotees; gateḥ — the destination.

By virtue of self-realization fortified by service rendered to His feet, devotees of the Lord dispel the bodily concept of life, which has bewildered the soul since time immemorial. Thus they attain eternal glory in His personal association. How, then, can that Supreme Truth, the destination of all genuine saints, be subject to illusion?

As a result of fasting the body becomes weak, and one thinks, “I am emaciated.” Similarly, sometimes a conditioned soul thinks, “I am happy” or “I am unhappy” — ideas based on the bodily concept of life. Simply by serving the lotus feet of Lord Kṛṣṇa, however, devotees become free from this bodily concept of life. So how could such illusion possibly affect the Supreme Personality of Godhead at any time?

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