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Text 25

gadā-pāṇī ubhau dṛṣṭvā
saṁrabdhau vijayaiṣiṇau
maṇḍalāni vicitrāṇi
carantāv idam abravīt

gadā — with clubs; pāṇī — in their hands; ubhau — both of them, Duryodhana and Bhīma; dṛṣṭvā — seeing; saṁrabdhau — furious; vijaya — victory; eṣiṇau — striving for; maṇḍalāni — circles; vicitrāṇi — artistic; carantau — moving in; idam — this; abravīt — He said.

Lord Balarāma found Duryodhana and Bhīma with clubs in their hands, each furiously striving for victory over the other as they circled about skillfully. The Lord addressed them as follows.

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