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Text 25

evaṁ dvitīyaṁ viprarṣis
tṛtīyaṁ tv evam eva ca
visṛjya sa nṛpa-dvāri
tāṁ gāthāṁ samagāyata

evam — in the same manner; dvitīyam — a second time; vipra-ṛṣiḥ — the wise brāhmaṇa; tṛtīyam — a third time; tu — and; evam eva ca — just the same way; visṛjya — leaving (his dead son); saḥ — he; nṛpa-dvāri — at the King’s door; tām — the same; gāthām — song; samagāyata — he sang.

The wise brāhmaṇa suffered the same tragedy with his second and third child. Each time, he left the body of his dead son at the King’s door and sang the same song of lamentation.

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