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Text 13

kṛṣṇasyaivaṁ viharato
strīṇāṁ kila hṛtā dhiyaḥ

kṛṣṇasya — of Lord Kṛṣṇa; evam — thus; viharataḥ — who was sporting; gati — by the movements; ālāpa — conversing; īkṣita — glancing; smitaiḥ — and smiling; narma — by the jokes; kṣveli — playful exchanges; pariṣvaṅgaiḥ — and embraces; strīṇām — of the wives; kila — indeed; hṛtāḥ — stolen; dhiyaḥ — the hearts.

In this way Lord Kṛṣṇa would sport with His queens, totally captivating their hearts with His gestures, talks, glances and smiles, and also with His jokes, playful exchanges and embraces.

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