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Text 29

āsthitasya paraṁ dharmaṁ
kṛṣṇasya gṛha-medhinām
āsan ṣoḍaśa-sāhasraṁ
mahiṣyaś ca śatādhikam

āsthitasya — who was situated in; param — the highest; dharmam — religious principles; kṛṣṇasya — of Lord Kṛṣṇa; gṛha-medhinām — of those in the household order of life; āsan — there were; ṣoḍaśa — sixteen; sāhasram — thousand; mahiṣyaḥ — queens; ca — and; śata — one hundred; adhikam — plus.

While fulfilling the highest standards of religious householder life, Lord Kṛṣṇa maintained more than 16,100 wives.

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