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Texto 34

īśasya keśān vidur ambuvāhān
vāsas tu sandhyāṁ kuru-varya bhūmnaḥ
avyaktam āhur hṛdayaṁ manaś ca
sa candramāḥ sarva-vikāra-kośaḥ

īśasya—del controlador supremo; keśān—los cabellos; viduḥ—te hago saber; ambu-vāhān—las nubes, que llevan agua; vāsaḥ tu—el traje; sandhyām—el fin del día y de la noche; kuru-varya—¡oh, el mejor de los Kurus!; bhūmnaḥ—del Todopoderoso; avyaktam—la causa primordial de la creación material; āhuḥ—se dice; hṛdayam—inteligencia; manaḥ ca—y la mente; saḥ—Él; candramāḥ—la Luna; sarva-vikāra-kośaḥ—el embalse de todos los cambios.

O best amongst the Kurus, the clouds which carry water are the hairs on His head, the terminations of days or nights are His dress, and the supreme cause of material creation is His intelligence. His mind is the moon, the reservoir of all changes.

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