Text 47
sa prasīda tvam asmākam ākāṅkṣatāṁ
darśanaṁ te paribhraṣṭa-sat-karmaṇām
kīrtyamāne nṛbhir nāmni yajñeśa te
yajña-vighnāḥ kṣayaṁ yānti tasmai namaḥ
saḥ—esa misma persona; prasīda—complácete; tvam—Tú; asmākam—con nosotros; ākāṅkṣatām—esperando; darśanam—audiencia; te—Tu; paribhraṣṭa—caídos; sat-karmaṇām—de quien la ejecución de sacrificio; kīrtyamāne—siendo cantados; nṛbhiḥ—por personas; nāmni—Tu santo nombre; yajña-īśa—¡oh, Señor del sacrificio!; te—Tu; yajña-vighnāḥ—obstáculos; kṣayam—destrucción; yānti—alcanzar; tasmai—a Ti; namaḥ—reverencias.
Querido Señor, como no hemos podido ejecutar los yajñas según indican los rituales védicos, esperábamos que nos concedieses Tu audiencia. Por lo tanto, Te rogamos que estés complacido con nosotros. Con tan solo cantar Tu santo nombre, se pueden superar todos los obstáculos. Ofrecemos ante Ti nuestras respetuosas reverencias.
The brāhmaṇa priests were very hopeful that their sacrifice would be carried out without obstacles now that Lord Viṣṇu was present. It is significant in this verse that the brāhmaṇas say, “Simply by chanting Your holy name we can surpass the obstacles, but now You are personally present.” The performance of yajña by Dakṣa was obstructed by the disciples and followers of Lord Śiva. The brāhmaṇas indirectly criticized the followers of Lord Śiva, but because the brāhmaṇas were always protected by Lord Viṣṇu, Śiva’s followers could not do any harm to their prosecution of the sacrificial process. There is a saying that when Kṛṣṇa protects someone, no one can do him harm, and when Kṛṣṇa wants to kill someone, no one can protect him. The vivid example was Rāvaṇa. Rāvaṇa was a great devotee of Lord Śiva, but when Lord Rāmacandra wanted to kill him, Lord Śiva could not protect him. If some demigod, even Lord Śiva or Lord Brahmā, wants to do harm to a devotee, Kṛṣṇa protects the devotee. But when Kṛṣṇa wants to kill someone, such as Rāvaṇa or Hiraṇyakaśipu, no demigod can protect him.