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Text 16
evaṁ tau loka-siddhābhiḥ
krīḍābhiś ceratur vane
kānaneṣu saraḥsu ca
evam — in this way; tau — the two of Them, Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma; loka-siddhābhiḥ — which are well known in human society; krīḍābhiḥ — with games; ceratuḥ — They wandered; vane — in the forest; nadī — among the rivers; adri — mountains; droṇi — valleys; kuñjeṣu — and groves; kānaneṣu — in the smaller forests; saraḥsu — along the lakes; ca — and.
In this way Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma played all sorts of well-known games as They wandered among the rivers, hills, valleys, bushes, trees and lakes of Vṛndāvana.