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Text 9
evaṁ kṣipto ’pi bhagavān
prāviśad giri-kandaram
so ’pi praviṣṭas tatrānyaṁ
śayānaṁ dadṛśe naram
evam — thus; kṣiptaḥ — insulted; api — even though; bhagavān — the Supreme Lord; prāviśat — entered; giri-kandaram — the mountain cave; saḥ — he, Kālayavana; api — as well; praviṣṭaḥ — entering; tatra — there; anyam — another; śayānam — lying; dadṛśe — saw; naram — man.
Although insulted in this way, the Supreme Lord entered the mountain cave. Kālayavana also entered, and there he saw another man lying asleep.
The Lord exhibits here His opulence of renunciation. Determined to execute His plan and give His blessings to Mucukunda, the Lord ignored Kālayavana’s insults and calmly proceeded with His program.