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Text 24

tāṁ buddhi-lakṣaṇaudārya-
kṛṣṇaś ca sadṛśīṁ bhāryāṁ
samudvoḍhuṁ mano dadhe

tām — her; buddhi — of intelligence; lakṣaṇa — auspicious bodily markings; audārya — magnanimity; rūpa — beauty; śīla — proper behavior; guṇa — and other personal qualities; āśrayām — repository; kṛṣṇaḥ — Lord Kṛṣṇa; ca — and; sadṛśīm — suitable; bhāryām — wife; samudvoḍhum — to marry; manaḥ — His mind; dadhe — made up.

Lord Kṛṣṇa knew that Rukmiṇī possessed intelligence, auspicious bodily markings, magnanimity, beauty, proper behavior and all other good qualities. Concluding that she would be an ideal wife for Him, He made up His mind to marry her.

Just as Lord Kṛṣṇa was described as sadṛśaṁ patim, an ideal husband for Rukmiṇī, being just like her, Rukmiṇī is described as sadṛśīṁ bhāryām, an ideal wife for Śrī Kṛṣṇa, being just like Him. That is natural, since Śrīmatī Rukmiṇī is Lord Kṛṣṇa’s internal potency.

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