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Text 6
nivṛtteṣv aśva-medheṣu
rājā yuṣmat-pitāmahaḥ
śṛṇvan bhagavato dharmān
apṛcchad idam acyutam
nivṛtteṣu — when they were completed; aśva-medheṣu — his performances of the horse sacrifice; rājā — the King (Yudhiṣṭhira); yuṣmat — your (Parīkṣit’s); pitāmahāḥ — grandfather; śṛṇvan — while hearing; bhagavataḥ — from the Supreme Lord (Kṛṣṇa); dharmān — religious principles; apṛcchat — he asked; idam — this; acyutam — of Lord Kṛṣṇa.
Your grandfather, King Yudhiṣṭhira, after completing his Aśvamedha sacrifices, asked Lord Acyuta this very same question while hearing the Lord’s explanation of religious principles.