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Text 22

trīṇi pātrāṇi deśikaḥ
hṛdā śīrṣṇātha śikhayā
gāyatryā cābhimantrayet

pādya — of the water offered to the Lord for bathing His feet; arghya — the water offered to the Lord as a token of respectful greeting; ācamanīya — and the water offered to the Lord for washing His mouth; artham — placed there for the purpose; trīṇi — three; pātrāṇi — the vessels; deśikaḥ — the worshiper; hṛdā — by the “heart” mantra; śīrṣṇā — by the “head” mantra; atha — and; śikhayā — by the “crown” mantra; gāyatryā — and by the Gāyatrī mantra; ca — also; abhimantrayet — he should perform purification by chanting.

The worshiper should then purify those three vessels. He should sanctify the vessel holding water for washing the Lord’s feet by chanting hṛdayāya namaḥ, the vessel containing water for arghya by chanting śirase svāhā, and the vessel containing water for washing the Lord’s mouth by chanting śikhāyai vaṣaṭ. Also, the Gāyatrī mantra should be chanted for all three vessels.

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