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Text 27

dve jānunī sutalaṁ viśva-mūrter
ūru-dvayaṁ vitalaṁ cātalaṁ ca
mahītalaṁ taj-jaghanaṁ mahīpate
nabhastalaṁ nābhi-saro gṛṇanti

dve — two; jānunī — two knees; sutalam — the planetary system named Sutala; viśva-mūrteḥ — of the universal form; ūru-dvayam — the two thighs; vitalam — the planetary system named Vitala; ca — also; atalam — the planets named Atala; ca — and; mahītalam — the planetary system named Mahītala; tat — of that; jaghanam — the hips; mahīpate — O King; nabhastalam — outer space; nābhi-saraḥ — the depression of the navel; gṛṇanti — they take it so.

The knees of the universal form are the planetary system of the name Sutala, and the two thighs are the Vitala and Atala planetary systems. The hips are Mahītala, and outer space is the depression of His navel.

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