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Text 31

tasmāt pitṝṇām ārtānām
ārtiṁ para-parābhavam
tapasāpanayaṁs tāta
sandeśaṁ kartum arhasi

tasmāt — therefore; pitṝṇām — of the parents; ārtānām — who are in distress; ārtim — the grief; para-parābhavam — being defeated by the enemies; tapasā — by the strength of your austerities; apanayan — taking away; tāta — O dear son; sandeśam — our desire; kartum arhasi — you deserve to execute.

Dear son, we have been defeated by our enemies, and therefore we are very much aggrieved. Please mercifully fulfill our desires by relieving our distress through the strength of your austerities. Please fulfill our prayers.

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