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Text 45

gatādhvāna-śramau tatra
nīvīṁ vasitvā rucirāṁ

gata — gone; adhvāna-śramau — whose weariness from being upon the road; tatra — there (in Their home); majjana — by bathing; unmardana — massaging; ādibhiḥ — and so on; nīvīm — in undergarments; vasitvā — being dressed; rucirām — charming; divya — transcendental; srak — with garlands; gandha — and fragrances; maṇḍitau — decorated.

By being bathed and massaged, the two young Lords were relieved of the weariness caused by walking on the country roads. Then They were dressed in attractive robes and decorated with transcendental garlands and fragrances.

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