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Text 23

jalaughair nirabhidyanta
setavo varṣatīśvare
pāṣaṇḍinām asad-vādair
veda-mārgāḥ kalau yathā

jala-oghaiḥ — by the floodwater; nirabhidyanta — became broken; setavaḥ — the dikes; varṣati — when he is showering rain; īśvare — Lord Indra; pāṣaṇḍinām — of the atheists; asat-vādaiḥ — by the false theories; veda-mārgāḥ — the paths of the Vedas; kalau — in the Kali-yuga; yathā — as.

When Indra sent forth his rains, the floodwaters broke through the irrigation dikes in the agricultural fields, just as in the Kali-yuga the atheists’ false theories break down the boundaries of Vedic injunctions.

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