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Text 11

tatraikāṁsa-gataṁ bāhuṁ
candanāliptam āghrāya
hṛṣṭa-romā cucumba ha

tatra — there; ekā — one (gopī); aṁsa — upon her shoulder; gatam — placed; bāhum — the arm; kṛṣṇasya — of Lord Kṛṣṇa; utpala — like a blue lotus; saurabham — the fragrance of which; candana — with sandalwood pulp; āliptam — smeared; āghrāya — smelling; hṛṣṭa — standing on end; romā — her bodily hairs; cucumba ha — she kissed.

Upon the shoulder of one gopī Kṛṣṇa placed His arm, whose natural blue-lotus fragrance was mixed with that of the sandalwood pulp anointing it. As the gopī relished that fragrance, her bodily hair stood on end in jubilation, and she kissed His arm.

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