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Text 20

kadācid atha govindo
rāmaś cādbhuta-vikramaḥ
vijahratur vane rātryāṁ
madhya-gau vraja-yoṣitām

kadācit — on one occasion; atha — then; govindaḥ — Lord Kṛṣṇa; rāmaḥ — Lord Balarāma; ca — and; adbhuta — wonderful; vikramaḥ — whose deeds; vijahratuḥ — the two of Them played; vane — in the forest; rātryām — at night; madhya-gau — in the midst; vraja-yoṣitām — of the women of the cowherd community.

Once Lord Govinda and Lord Rāma, the performers of wonderful feats, were playing in the forest at night with the young girls of Vraja.

This verse introduces a new pastime. According to the ācāryas, the occasion mentioned here is the Holikā-pūrṇimā, a day also known as Gaura-pūrṇimā.

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