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Text 3

gāvo hiraṇyaṁ vāsāṁsi
madhu madhv-annam ādṛtāḥ
brāhmaṇebhyo daduḥ sarve
devo naḥ prīyatām iti

gāvaḥ — cows; hiraṇyam — gold; vāsāṁsi — clothing; madhu — sweet-tasting; madhu — mixed with honey; annam — grains; ādṛtāḥ — respectfully; brāhmaṇebhyaḥ — to the brāhmaṇas; daduḥ — they gave; sarve — all of them; devaḥ — the lord; naḥ — with us; prīyatām — may be pleased; iti — thus praying.

The cowherd men gave the brāhmaṇas gifts of cows, gold, clothing and cooked grains mixed with honey. Then the cowherds prayed, “May the lord be pleased with us.”

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