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Text 16

labdhvā guhaṁ te svaḥ-pālaṁ
mucukundam athābruvan
rājan viramatāṁ kṛcchrād
bhavān naḥ paripālanāt

labdhvā — after obtaining; guham — Kārttikeya; te — they; svaḥ — of heaven; pālam — as the protector; mucukundam — to Mucukunda; atha — then; abruvan — said; rājan — O King; viramatām — please desist; kṛcchrāt — troublesome; bhavān — your good self; naḥ — our; paripālanāt — from the guarding.

When the demigods obtained Kārttikeya as their general, they told Mucukunda, “O King, you may now give up your troublesome duty of guarding us.

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