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Text 8

nanv anvicchanti te mārgaṁ
trī-lokyāṁ vibudharṣabhāḥ
jñātvādya gūḍhaṁ yaduṣu
draṣṭuṁ tvāṁ yāty ajaḥ prabho

nanu — certainly; anvicchanti — they seek out; te — Your; mārgam — path; tri-lokyām — in all the three worlds; vibudha — of the wise demigods; ṛṣabhāḥ — the most exalted; yñātvā — knowing; adya — now; gūḍham — disguised; yaduṣu — among the Yadus; draṣṭum — to see; tvām — You; yāti — comes; ajaḥ — the unborn (sun-god); prabho — O Lord.

The most exalted demigods in the three worlds are certainly anxious to seek You out, O Lord, now that You have hidden Yourself among the Yadu dynasty. Thus the unborn sun-god has come to see You here.

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