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Text 28

tataḥ sa kārayām āsa
kriyā bandhor hatasya vai
sākaṁ suhṛdbhir bhagavān
yā yāḥ syuḥ sāmparāyikīḥ

tataḥ — then; saḥ — He, Lord Kṛṣṇa; kārayām āsa — had done; kriyā — the ritual duties; bandhoḥ — for His relative (Satrājit); hatasya — killed; vai — indeed; sākam — together with; suhṛdbhiḥ — well-wishers; bhagavān — the Supreme Lord; yāḥ yāḥ — all which; syuḥ — there are; sāmparāyikīḥ — for the time of one’s departure from this world.

Lord Kṛṣṇa then had the various funeral rites performed for His deceased relative, Satrājit. The Lord attended the funeral along with well-wishers of the family.

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