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Text 20

tyājayiṣye ’bhidhānaṁ me
yat tvayājña mṛṣā dhṛtam
vrajāmi śaranaṁ te ’dya
yadi necchāmi saṁyugam

tyājayiṣye — I will make (you) renounce; abhidhānam — designation; me — My; yat — which; tvayā — by you; ajña — O fool; mṛṣā — falsely; dhṛtam — assumed; vrajāmi — I will go; śaraṇam — to the shelter; te — your; adya — today; yadi — if; na icchāmi — I do not desire; saṁyugam — battle.

O fool, now I shall make you renounce My name, which you have falsely assumed. And I will certainly take shelter of you if I do not wish to fight you.

Śrīla Prabhupāda writes as follows: “Now, Pauṇḍraka, I shall force you to give up this false representation. You wanted Me to surrender unto you. Now this is your opportunity. We shall fight, and if I am defeated and you become victorious, I shall certainly surrender unto you.”

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