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Texts 27-28

sudakṣiṇas tasya sutaḥ
kṛtvā saṁsthā-vidhiṁ pateḥ
nihatya pitṛ-hantāraṁ
yāsyāmy apacitiṁ pituḥ

ity ātmanābhisandhāya
sopādhyāyo maheśvaram
su-dakṣiṇo ’rcayām āsa
parameṇa samādhinā

sudakṣiṇaḥ — named Sudakṣiṇa; tasya — his (Kāśirāja’s); sutaḥ — son; kṛtvā — executing; saṁsthā-vidhim — the funeral rituals; pateḥ — of his father; nihatya — by killing; pitṛ — of my father; hantāram — the killer; yāsyāmi — I will achieve; apacitim — revenge; pituḥ — for my father; iti — thus; ātmanā — with his intelligence; abhisandhāya — deciding; sa — with; upādhyāyaḥ — priests; mahā-īśvaram — the great Lord Śiva; su-dakṣiṇaḥ — being very charitable; arcayām āsa — he worshiped; parameṇa — with great; samādhinā — attention.

After the King’s son Sudakṣiṇa had performed the obligatory funeral rituals for his father, he resolved within his mind: “Only by killing my father’s murderer can I avenge his death.” Thus the charitable Sudakṣiṇa, together with his priests, began worshiping Lord Maheśvara with great attention.

Śrīla Prabhupāda writes: “The lord of the kingdom of Kāśi is Viśvanātha (Lord Śiva). The temple of Lord Viśvanātha is still existing in Vārāṇasī, and many thousands of pilgrims still gather daily in that temple.”

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