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Text 14

yācitvā caturo muṣṭīn
viprān pṛthuka-taṇḍulān
caila-khaṇḍena tān baddhvā
bhartre prādād upāyanam

yācitvā — begging; caturaḥ — four; muṣṭīn — fistfuls; viprān — from the (neighboring) brāhmaṇas; pṛthuka-taṇḍulān — flat rice; caila — of cloth; khaṇḍena — with a ripped piece; tān — them; baddhvā — tying up; bhartre — to her husband; prādāt — she gave; upāyanam — gift.

Sudāmā’s wife begged four handfuls of flat rice from neighboring brāhmaṇas, tied up the rice in a torn piece of cloth and gave it to her husband as a present for Lord Kṛṣṇa.

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