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Text 22
evaṁ lakṣaṇa-lakṣyāṇi
purāṇāni purā-vidaḥ
munayo ’ṣṭādaśa prāhuḥ
kṣullakāni mahānti ca
evam — in this way; lakṣaṇa-lakṣyāṇi — symptomized by their characteristics; purāṇāni — the Purāṇas; purā-vidaḥ — those who are expert in such ancient histories; munayaḥ — the sages; aṣṭādaśa — eighteen; prāhuḥ — say; kṣullakāni — minor; mahānti — great; ca — also.
Sages expert in ancient histories have declared that the Purāṇas, according to their various characteristics, can be divided into eighteen major Purāṇas and eighteen secondary Purāṇas.