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Text 37
mātus tv atitarāṁ putre
sneho moha-samudbhavaḥ
kṛtadyuteḥ sapatnīnāṁ
prajā-kāma-jvaro ’bhavat
mātuḥ — of the mother; tu — also; atitarām — excessively; putre — for the son; snehaḥ — affection; moha — out of ignorance; samudbhavaḥ — produced; kṛtadyuteḥ — of Kṛtadyuti; sapatnīnām — of the co-wives; prajā-kāma — of a desire to have sons; jvaraḥ — a fever; abhavat — there was.
The mother’s attraction and attention to the son, like that of the child’s father, excessively increased. The other wives, seeing Kṛtadyuti’s son, were very much agitated, as if by high fevers, with a desire to have sons.