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Text 111

subuddhi miśra, hṛdayānanda, kamala-nayana
maheśa paṇḍita, śrīkara, śrī-madhusūdana

subuddhi miśra — Subuddhi Miśra; hṛdayānanda — Hṛdayānanda; kamala-nayana — Kamala-nayana; maheśa paṇḍita — Maheśa Paṇḍita; śrīkara — Śrīkara; śrī-madhusūdana — Śrī Madhusūdana.

The sixty-second branch of the tree was Subuddhi Miśra, the sixty-third was Hṛdayānanda, the sixty-fourth was Kamala-nayana, the sixty-fifth was Maheśa Paṇḍita, the sixty-sixth was Śrīkara, and the sixty-seventh was Śrī Madhusūdana.

Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Ṭhākura writes in his Anubhāṣya, “Subuddhi Miśra, who was formerly Guṇacūḍā in Vṛndāvana, installed Gaura-Nityānanda Deities in a temple in the village known as Belagān, which is about three miles away from Śrīkhaṇḍa. His present descendant is known as Govindacandra Gosvāmī.”

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