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Text 34
ācāryere sthāpiyāche kariyā īśvara
ithe doṣa nāhi, ācārya — daivata īśvara
ācāryere — unto Śrī Advaita Ācārya; sthāpiyāche — he established; kariyā — mentioning; īśvara — as the Supreme Personality of Godhead; ithe — in this; doṣa — fault; nāhi — there is not; ācārya — Advaita Ācārya; daivata īśvara — He is actually the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
“He has established Advaita Ācārya as an incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. There is nothing wrong in this, for He is indeed the Lord Himself.