Text 19
varāha-āveśa hailā murāri-bhavane
tāṅra skandhe caḍi’ prabhu nācilā aṅgane
varāha-āveśa — the ecstasy of becoming Varāhadeva; hailā — became; murāri-bhavane — in the house of Murāri Gupta; tāṅra skandhe — on the shoulders of Murāri Gupta; caḍi’ — riding; prabhu — the Lord; nācilā — danced; aṅgane — in the yard.
One day Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu felt the ecstasy of the boar incarnation and got up on the shoulders of Murāri Gupta. Thus they both danced in Murāri Gupta’s courtyard.
One day Caitanya Mahāprabhu began to cry out, “Śūkara! Śūkara!” Thus crying out for the boar incarnation of the Lord, He assumed His form as the boar incarnation and got up on the shoulders of Murāri Gupta. He carried a small gāḍu, a small waterpot with a nozzle, and thus He symbolically picked up the earth from the depths of the ocean, for this is the pastime of Lord Varāha.