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Text 210
‘nimāñi’ nāma chāḍi’ ebe bolāya ‘gaurahari’
hindura dharma naṣṭa kaila pāṣaṇḍa sañcāri’
nimāñi — Nimāi; nāma — the name; chāḍi’ — giving up; ebe — now; bolāya — calls; gaurahari — Gaurahari; hindura — of the Hindus; dharma — the religious principles; naṣṭa kaila — spoiled; pāṣaṇḍa — irreligion; sañcāri’ — introducing.
“ ‘Now He has given up His own name Nimāi and introduced Himself by the name Gaurahari. He has spoiled the Hindu religious principles and introduced the irreligion of non-believers.