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Text 237
vaṁśī-vādye gopī-gaṇera vane ākarṣaṇa
tāṅ-sabāra saṅge yaiche vana-viharaṇa
vaṁśī-vādye — on hearing the sound of the flute; gopī-gaṇera — of all the gopīs; vane — in the forest; ākarṣaṇa — the attraction; tāṅ-sabāra — of all of them; saṅge — in the company; yaiche — in what way; vana — in the forest; viharaṇa — wandering.
Śrīvāsa Ṭhākura extensively explained how the gopīs were attracted to the forests of Vṛndāvana by the vibration of Kṛṣṇa’s flute and how they wandered together in the forest.