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Text 59
tabe vipra la-ila āsi śrīvāsa śaraṇa
tāṅhāra kṛpāya haila pāpa-vimocana
tabe — after that; vipra — the brāhmaṇa (Gopāla Cāpāla); la-ila — took shelter; āsi — coming; śrīvāsa — Śrīvāsa Ṭhākura; śaraṇa — shelter of his lotus feet; tāṅhāra kṛpāya — by his mercy; haila — became; pāpa-vimocana — free from all sinful reaction.
Then the brāhmaṇa, Gopāla Cāpāla, went to Śrīvāsa Ṭhākura and took shelter of his lotus feet, and by Śrīvāsa Ṭhākura’s mercy he was freed from all sinful reactions.