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Text 88
ei mata bāra-māsa kīrtana-avasāne
āmra-mahotsava prabhu kare dine dine
ei mata — in this way; bāra-māsa — for twelve months; kīrtana — chanting of the Hare Kṛṣṇa mantra; avasāne — at the end; āmra-mahā-utsava — festival of eating mangoes; prabhu — the Lord; kare — performs; dine dine — every day.
In this way the Lord performed saṅkīrtana every day, and at the end of saṅkīrtana there was a mango-eating festival every day for twelve months.
On principle, Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu would distribute prasādam at the end of kīrtana performances. Similarly, the members of the Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement must distribute some prasādam to the audience after performing kīrtana.