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Text 68

‘aṅga’-śabde aṁśa kahe śāstra-paramāṇa
aṅgera avayava ‘upāṅga’-vyākhyāna

aṅga-śabde — by the word aṅga, or limb; aṁśa — part; kahe — says; śāstra — of the scriptures; paramāṇa — the evidence; aṅgera — of the limb; avayava — the constituent part; upāṅga-vyākhyāna — the exposition of the word upāṅga.

According to the evidence of the revealed scriptures, a bodily limb [aṅga] is also called a part [aṁśa], and a part of a limb is called a partial part [upāṅga].

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