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Text 162

gopī-gaṇera premera ‘rūḍha-bhāva’ nāma
viśuddha nirmala prema, kabhu nahe kāma

gopī-gaṇera — of the gopīs; premera — of the love; rūḍha-bhāvarūḍha-bhāva; nāma — named; viśuddha — pure; nirmala — spotless; prema — love; kabhu — at anytime; nahe — is not; kāma — lust.

The love of the gopīs is called rūḍha-bhāva. It is pure and spotless. It is not at any time lust.

As already explained, the position of the gopīs in their loving dealings with Kṛṣṇa is transcendental. Their emotion is called rūḍha-bhāva. Although it is apparently like mundane sex, one should not confuse it with mundane sexual love, for it is pure and unadulterated love of Godhead.

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