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Text 82
govindānandinī rādhā, govinda-mohinī
govinda-sarvasva, sarva-kāntā-śiromaṇi
govinda-ānandinī — She who gives pleasure to Govinda; rādhā — Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī; govinda-mohinī — She who mystifies Govinda; govinda-sarvasva — the be-all and end-all of Lord Govinda; sarva-kāntā — of all the Lord’s lovers; śiromaṇi — the crown jewel.
Rādhā is the one who gives pleasure to Govinda, and She is also the enchantress of Govinda. She is the be-all and end-all of Govinda, and the crest jewel of all His consorts.