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Text 46
tapana-miśrera ghare bhikṣā-nirvāhaṇa
sannyāsīra saṅge nāhi māne nimantraṇa
tapana-miśrera — of Tapana Miśra; ghare — in the house; bhikṣā — accepting food; nirvāhaṇa — regularly executed; sannyāsīra — with other Māyāvādī sannyāsīs; saṅge — in company with them; nāhi — never; māne — accepted; nimantraṇa — invitation.
As a matter of principle, Lord Caitanya regularly accepted His food at the house of Tapana Miśra. He never mixed with other sannyāsīs, nor did He accept invitations from them.
This exemplary behavior of Lord Caitanya definitely proves that a Vaiṣṇava sannyāsī cannot accept invitations from Māyāvādī sannyāsīs or intimately mix with them.