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Text 18

tarajā-prahelī ācārya kahena ṭhāre-ṭhore
prabhu mātra bujhena, keha bujhite nā pāre

tarajā-prahelī — a sonnet in equivocal language; ācārya — Advaita Ācārya; kahena — spoke; ṭhāre-ṭhore — making some indications; prabhu — Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu; mātra — only; bujhena — could understand; keha bujhite nā pāre — others could not understand.

Advaita Ācārya had written a sonnet in equivocal language with an import that Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu could understand but others could not.

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