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Text 15
santv avatārā bahavaḥ puṣkara-nābhasya sarvato-bhadrāḥ
kṛṣṇād anyaḥ ko vā latāsv api prema-do bhavati”
santu — let there be; avatārāḥ — incarnations; bahavaḥ — many; puṣkara-nābhasya — of the Lord, from whose navel grows a lotus flower; sarvataḥ bhadrāḥ — completely auspicious; kṛṣṇāt — than Lord Kṛṣṇa; anyaḥ — other; kaḥ vā — who possibly; latāsu — on the surrendered souls; api — also; prema-daḥ — the bestower of love; bhavati — is.
“ ‘There may be many all-auspicious incarnations of the Personality of Godhead, but who other than Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa can bestow love of God upon the surrendered souls?’ ”
This is a verse written by Bilvamaṅgala Ṭhākura. It is quoted by Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī in his Laghu-bhāgavatāmṛta (1.5.37).