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Text 86
kṛṣṇa-nāmno rūḍhir iti
tamāla-śyāmala-tviṣi — whose complexion is dark blue, resembling a tamāla tree; śrī-yaśodā-stanam-dhaye — sucking the breast of mother Yaśodā; kṛṣṇa-nāmnaḥ — of the name Kṛṣṇa; rūḍhiḥ — the chief meaning; iti — thus; sarva-śāstra — of all revealed scriptures; vinirṇayaḥ — the conclusion.
“ ‘The only purport of the holy name of Kṛṣṇa is that He is dark blue like a tamāla tree and is the son of mother Yaśodā. This is the conclusion of all the revealed scriptures.’
This is a verse from the Nāma-kaumudī